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How to smash!!!

The smash is probably the most attacking shot in badminton. If executed well it is probably the most difficult shot to return, just because of the pace and direction put on the shuttle. The downward angle of the shot is

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“shuttles” for badminton

Two types of shuttles are used mostly in club that is local shuttles and chinese shuttles for international matches Local shuttles: A Shuttlecock shall have 16 feathers fixed in a cork base covered in kid leather. Interestingly, the best Badminton Shuttlecocks are

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Badminton “shoes”

Most people focus on rackets when they have a budget to buy equipment. But shoes are at least as important as rackets it. A pair of good shoes are essential for you to move freely and efficiently on the court.

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Rackets and it’s specification

In badminton their is two type of rackets which is given below: 1) Defenders: Defenders rackets are flat from the top of the rackets, because players used two type of racket one for attacking and the second is for defending,

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Footwork for “badminton”

This is to practice the correct movement and technique without actually hitting a shuttle. Get a partner to help direct you to the areas of the court, making sure that you cover the backcourt, midcourt, and the frontcourt with both

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Rules of “badminton”

A badminton match comprises the best of three games. A coin is tossed before the first game, and the winner of the toss may serve first or pick an end of the court. Only the serving side can score. In

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Dimention of “badminton court”

Overall Court Dimensions The overall dimensions of a badminton court is 20 feet by 44 feet. The lines along these measurements mark the sidelines for doubles play and long service lines for singles play. The Net Line The net line

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History of (battledore)

                                                 badminton mostly played in universities, colleges, and school level.  It  would become most popular game with

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